Starting with version 7.5.11, a print option is provided for the Scheduling Grids. This feature provides a printer-friendly format for both the daily and weekly versions of the grids that can be printed using your browser's native print utility.
To print from the Scheduling Grids, perform the following:
1.Click the Scheduling Grids option from the Calendars tab.
2.Select the Grid format desired, and use the filters and navigation tools to display the information you would like to print.
3.Click print button in the upper right corner of the screen.
4.When the printer-friendly view appears, find your browser's print utility. Depending on your browser, the print options may be displayed automatically, or you may need to choose Print from a menu.
5.You may wish to change the paper format to landscape, depending on the calendar format being printed.
6.Be sure to select the option to print background colors and images in your browser print/page setup options.
7.Print the view.
8.When finished, close the printer friendly view and return to the application.