Astra Schedule Help (7.5)

Defining Grids

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Defining Grids

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Defining Grids

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Scheduling Grids must be defined and saved in order to provide choices for user role assignment and for selection when browsing the grid user interface.  These definitions include the name of the grid as it will appear during use, pre-assigned filter choices specific to that grid, custom filtering availability, and the default view when the grid is accessed.




Many different versions of the grids can be created and saved in order to provide the appropriate levels of access for users and guests, as well as to create convenient, pre-filtered choices during navigation.  The Manage Calendars option on either the Calendars or Setup tab provides access to a list of all configured calendar tools, including Calendars, Scheduling Grids, and the Search tool.


To define a new Scheduling Grid, perform the following:


1.Click the Manage Calendars option on either the Calendars or Setup tab.

2.On the Calendar Definition List page, click Add Calendar Definition, and then select Grid.

3.Enter a descriptive name for the grid.  This is the name that will be visible when assigning grid access to users as well as when choosing a grid to view in the calendar interface.  The name should help users understand the grid content.

4.If desired, enter a description.

5.Note that the full URL for the grid is displayed in the URL field on the form.  You can copy and paste this information into a browser to access the grid directly, without first launching the application.  Select either Day View or Week View to specify which format is launched when using the URL.  See URL Access for more details.

Pre-Assign Filters

If desired, pre-assigned filters may be created to help users navigate activities when viewing the grid.


6.Click Add Filter.

7.Enter a name for the filter being created.  If desired, check the box to make the filter the default activity view when the grid is used.

8.In the Filter panel, enter Keyword search criteria and/or a search start date if applicable.

9.Use the scroll bar to access the desired filter options.  Filters may be created that include or exclude events and academic sections, and limit results based on various attributes.  Additionally, the activities returned by a filter can be limited to certain spaces using the location settings.
Use the + button to select one or more filter options to limit the activities returned by the grid.

10.Click OK to save the filter and display it in the grid definition.

Custom Filter Settings

The Custom Filter Settings section of the grid definition controls whether or not a user may edit the grid filter, and if so, to what extent.


11.To provide access to the filter settings for a user when viewing the grid, place a check in the box next to Allow Custom Filtering.
This setting is the on/off switch for the filter option in the grid as a whole.

12.If filter access is provided above, add or remove check marks in each of the filter categories (Location, Resource, Usage Control, Event, and Academic) to specify which filter types are available to the user.
These choices determine which drop-down filter options are available to the user when editing the filter.

13.Finally, you may limit the scope of filter choices presented to the user to only those choices granted by the pre-assigned filters defined above.
For example, you may wish to pre-assign a filter that limits event activities to only a few event types taking place in key buildings on campus.  If you would like to allow users to edit the filter but be confined to those event types and buildings, then place a check in the box next to Limit Choices to Saved Filters.

14.Click Save.