Astra Schedule Help (7.5)

Calendars Prior to v.7.5.11

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Calendars Prior to v.7.5.11

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Calendars Prior to v.7.5.11

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noteNOTE:  The Scheduling Calendar was replaced with a new and improved version starting with release 7.5.11.  This section of the Help refers to the previous version.


Astra Schedule provides both "activity" calendars and "scheduling" calendars to help meet your calendaring needs.  Activity calendars are traditional, activity-based calendars that can help users and guests quickly find events and/or academic sections that are taking place on campus.  The Activity calendars are friendly, easy-to-use, easily deploy-able tools intended for a wide audience.  Scheduling calendars are room- or resource-centric scheduling tools that may be used to help visualize when schedule-able items are available.  Scheduling calendars include time-line views, room and resource grids for identifying space- or equipment-based reservations, and available rooms tools to help schedulers manage space and equipment.  A shortcut to the available rooms tool is also accessible directly from the Calendars tab.




Both calendar types are customizable, with the information displayed as well as the format and options presented configurable within saved calendar definitions.  Saved calendar definitions include activity, room, and resource filters, custom filtering availability, and display format options.


One or more defined calendars of either type may be applied to the View Calendars permission within a user role to control the calendar experience for users of the system. Depending on the role-to-calendar association, a user may have access to a single, restricted calendar with only pre-defined filters, multiple calendar options with pre-defined and/or custom filtering, or no assigned calendars at all with full access to filtering and calendar viewing options.


This section describes how to use the calendar tools, defines the individual calendar and grid views, and explains how to use holidays and announcements.


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Activity Calendars


Scheduling Calendars


Holidays and Announcements