To review the results after a sectioning run is complete, click the name of the sectioning run on the run list page.
The sectioning run Results are automatically displayed. The sectioning Results tab includes a statistics panel and additional tabs that provide more information about the sectioning run as well as tools for editing the schedule and resolving problems.
The statistics panel in Sectioning results includes the following information:
•Total Courses Offered: Total number of courses, each course is only counted once
•Total Sections Created: Total number of Sections created
•Total Meetings Created: Total number of meetings created. For example, Section BIO 105 1 has a lab meeting and lecture meeting. This would be counted as 2 meetings for the section.
•Total Sections Scheduled: Total number of Sections in a Scheduled status
•Total Selected Students: Total number of Students included in the Sectioning run including simulated students
•Total New Students: Total number of new students with a start date of the sectioned term that have no institutional credits.
•Sim Students Applied: Total number of simulated students included in the sectioning run
•Sim New Students: Total number of new simulated students included in the sectioning run
•Sim Return Students: Total number of returning simulated students included in the sectioning run
•Sim Transfer Students: Total number of transfer simulated students included in the sectioning run
•Students Swapped From Rec Path: Number of students that were swapped out of sections that followed the ideal sequence (recommended path) and put into sections other eligible courses that fall in the minimum and maximum course bracket values configured on the Program Template. Students are swapped for maximum efficiency gains.
•Average Student Load: Average number of credits per student
•Average Section Enroll: Average number of students per section
•Students w/Rec Sched: Number of students that are assigned only recommended courses as defined by the ideal sequence in the Program Template (course bracketing).
•Students w/Elig Schedule: Number of students with a full credit load but not necessarily recommended sections (pack only - split would never do this)
•Students Orphaned: Number of students in less than a full credit load due to being placed in tentative sections
•Students w/No Eligible Planned Courses: Students that have no eligible courses available
•Students w/No Prog Template: Number of students that do not have a program template
•Ratio of Enrl to Ideal Enrl: Section’s ideal enrollment divided by max enrollment
You may click Refresh to update statistics after edits are made to the schedule.
Click Set As Master to flag the sectioning sandbox run as the master in a chained series of future schedulers being developed. Selecting Master Sandbox Run indicates that this sectioning run will be added to a chain of sandbox runs used to model sectioning into the future. With this option, the same students are included in the run as were included in the source data, and the previous terms' schedules are considered completed.
The Summary tab summarizes the number of sections created and students enrolled per course.
The list is grouped by subject by default. You may use the filter options on the left to filter the list down to certain subject and/or courses.
The Sections tab displays a list of the individual section records created during the Sectioning Run. You may use the subject and course filter options to limit the sections being displayed.
Both "Scheduled" and "Tentative" sections are displayed on the list. "Tentative" sections are those sections for which there was demand that are either below the minimum enrollment or over the maximum number of sections allowed for the course.
Each section row includes the total number of students associated with the section as well as the time availability template with which the group was associated.
Each individual section on the list may be expanded to view the details about the students associated with the section.
When a section on the Sections tab is expanded to reveal the student information, a Move option is provided to adjust student schedules as desired. See "AdHoc Student Schedule Adjustment (Move Student)" for more information.
Sections created by the sectioning process may be deleted or modified using the delete and edit icons next to each row. When deleting a section, all students must first be moved to other sections before the section will be deleted.
The Students tab displays a list of all students associated with the sectioning run. You may use the program template and major filter options to limit the students being displayed, or find students based on last name or ID.
Each student row includes the Program Template with which they are associated, as well as the number of sections and credits assigned to them in the run and the gap, if any, between this and their ideal credit load.
Each individual student row may be expanded to reveal the schedule that was selected for the student by the sectioning process, as well as a list of other courses for which the student is eligible. Information is provided about each course as it relates to the student's academic path, including its eligibility status (eligible, recommended, critical path).
NOTE: The system calculates a critical course score for each course per student to help determine the criticality of a particular course based on a number of factors, including the course requirements, number of terms remaining for the student, eligibility, helpfulness to their program, program template bracketing (when a course should be taken), etc.
The Orphaned Students tab displays a list of students included in the sectioning run that were scheduled into "tentative" sections and likely have less than an ideal load. These students will have incomplete schedules due to either lack of choices or enrollment limitations.
The sectioning process creates tentative sections to accommodate orphaned students. These sections must be evaluated and scheduled as needed during the review process.
Each individual student row may be expanded to reveal the scheduled and orphaned (tentative) sections associated with the student. Additional eligible courses are displayed as well.