There are currently three message group types available to be used within a message template. These group "loops" within the message are defined as follows:
${SubjectCourse}, ${CourseTitle}, ${CreditHours} credit hours {?CreditHours > 3.0}High {/?}{/PlannedCoursesRecommended}
Term ${PlannedTermName} starting on ${PlannedTermStartDateDisplay}{/GroupHeader}
${Subject} ${CourseNumber}, ${CourseTitle}, ${CreditHours} credit hours {?CreditHours > 3.0}High {/?}
${Subject} ${CourseNumber}, ${CourseTitle}, ${CreditHours} credit hours
“IF” expressions are also available, for example: {?CreditHours > 3.0}High {/?}
The value after the ? can be any of the values from the token lists below. (NOTE: The syntax is the same expression syntax we use in Workflow and ATE customizations)
We do not currently support “ELSE” logic. If it is needed you can split it out into two IF blocks - one for "true" and one for "false".
The Academic Plan Token library includes all data elements that are accessible via the API. To include a token in the plan message template, the data element name must be added to the template in a token wrapper. For example, to add the Program name to the student profile, you would include ${Program}.
•Program •ProgramVersionTemplate •FullName •CampusName •CatalogVersion •MinCreditLoadHours •MaxCreditLoadHours •IdealCreditLoadHours •TimeTemplateName •StudentTypeName •StudentLevelName •StudentStatusName •LeaveOfAbsenceName •ExpectedGraudationTermName •StartLeaveOfAbsence •EndLeaveOfAbsence •ExpectedGraduationTermId •ExpectedGraduationYear |
•StartDate •IsFullTime •IsDead •IsNegativeSimulation •FromTrendType •CourseLoad •TentativeCourseLoad •AppliedCreditHours •MinCourseLoad •IdealCourseLoad •MaxCourseLoad •IsCourseLoadCreditHours •TotalSections •HoursInPlay •EstLoad •EstCourseLoad •OverAllProbability •WastedCredits |
•CoursesInPlay •HoursPerCourse •PredHoursInPlay •PredCoursesInPlay •PredHoursPerCourse •RescheduleRequired •AtFullLoad •AtIdealLoad •AtPartialLoad •HasBeenMoved •DegreeAuditResults •CourseLoadSource •OverlapCourseLoad •NeedsRescheduled •NewDate •DropDate •RescheduledDate •TotalCompletedCredits |
•SubjectCourse •Subject •CourseNumber •CourseTitle •PlannedCourseType (e.g. "Critical Path", "Recommended", "Eligible", or "Future") •PlannedTermName •PlannedTermDescription •PlannedTermStartDateDisplay •PlannedTermEndDateDisplay •CreditHours |
•IdealCreditHours •MinCreditHours •MaxCreditHours •UserProbabliltyPct •CompletedProgressAmt •BracketProgressAmt •BracketProgressUnitCode •ReversePreReqChainLength •CriticalPathScore •Recommended •Eligible |
•RecommendedEligibleScore •CatchUpScore •CriticalCourseScore •HardCriticalPath •InfeasibleReason •NoSeatsAvail •IsWrongTime •IsConflict •SimulatedChoiceOrder |