Astra Schedule and Platinum Analytics import effective dated course attributes from PeopleSoft. However, the effective dated course information is only currently visible in certain key locations in the application at this time.
Once imported, basic effective dated course information will be correctly displayed in the following locations:
•Section List Page
The following locations will only display the “current” (based on today’s date) version of the course in question:
•Course List and Form
•Section Form
•All Hovers
•Drop-down Course Selection Lists
•Ad Hoc Rooms Tool
NOTE: If future or past versions of a course need to be found in the calendar or list pages, the Keyword search will return results for the appropriate Subject/Course Number combination. Also, when selecting a course from the drop-down course selection filter, only the current course version is shown but all versions of that course will be displayed in the results (limited by any other filters included - e.g. term).