The Capacity Analysis utility calculates the average weekly room hour utilization, prime time utilization, and seat fill data for each room, as well as the on-grid (standard, non-overlapping) and off-grid utilization of meeting patterns (including non-standard pattern wasted hours) for a specified term.
Dashboards that display average weekly utilization of rooms require this analysis data. Therefore, prior to viewing Astra Schedule dashboards, it is recommended to run the Capacity Analysis to populate this utilization data.
There are a couple of configuration steps that must be completed before running the Capacity Analysis. These configurations provide key meeting pattern and room grouping input for the analysis process.
For meeting pattern utilization, the system must know which group of meeting patterns represents your on-grid patterns. This is a group of your most commonly used, standard, non-overlapping meeting patterns.
For room region utilization, the system must know the single, master region to which each room should belong for utilization reporting purposes. The dashboard will use the reporting region as a grouping element for room utilization.
To configure an on-grid meeting pattern group, perform the following:
1.On the Academics tab, select the Meeting Pattern Groups option.
2.Click .
3.Enter a name and description that identifies this group as your on-grid meeting pattern group.
4.Place a check in the box labeled "On-Grid Patterns". This check box will be named "Dominant Patterns" in versions prior to 7.5.16.
5.Click the Add Items button next to Meeting Patterns and use the meeting pattern selector to select all of your standard, non-overlapping (on-grid) patterns during the week. Be sure that the selected patterns are non-overlapping.
6.Click OK to save and add the meeting pattern group to the list.
NOTE: Dashboards sort meeting patterns as text. Therefore, the meeting pattern name will not provide a chronological sort order when viewing them in the dashboards. (i.e. MWF at 8 AM will be AFTER MWF at 1 PM). However, if meeting pattern descriptions are edited, the description is used first in the sort. Consider editing the on-grid meeting pattern records to include a sequential number in their description field so they will sort accurately in dashboards.
To configure the master reporting region for rooms, perform the following:
1.Click the Rooms option on the Resources tab.
2.Click the edit option for a room on the room list.
3.In the Regions section of the room form, use the drop down menu to select an appropriate master reporting region for the room.
4.Click Save to save changes. Repeat this process for all rooms within regions that require dashboard utilization reporting.
To generate a capacity analysis, perform the following:
1.Click the Capacity Analysis option on the Analytics tab.
2.Click .
3.In the Capacity Analysis form, enter a descriptive name for this analysis. (i.e. "Fall 2013 Capacity Analysis")
4.Select the term to be analyzed using the drop down menu.
5.The start and end date are auto-populated from the term selection. However, the date range may be edited manually to alter the date range considered. This may be desired to include exam week or to start the term on a full week if it officially started mid-week (to avoid having a partial week utilization).
6.Enter the number of term weeks. This is the number of weeks in the date range previously entered.
7.Enter the number of scheduling hours in your standard week.
8.Enter the number of prime time hours in your standard week.
9.Specify the start and end time, per day, for both standard and prime time weeks. For example, your standard week might be 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM, and your prime week might be 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
10.Click Save when finished.
11.Click to start the Capacity Analysis process. Please allow a few minutes to complete the analysis.