After clicking on a specific section or section meeting record, the system will display the section form. The section form includes general information about the section in the top panel. This is where you will find the subject, course, title, campus, delivery, term, and section number. A "Do Not Optimize" flag is provided at this level as well to exclude a section from the optimizer. Finally, "Assign All Meetings to Same Room" (new in 7.5.12) is provided to indicate that multiple meetings of the same section should be scheduled into the same room by the optimizer.
The Arranged Course flag indicates that some component of the section record is yet to be determined or is flexible. Sections flagged as arranged are not considered by the optimizer and are not included as conflicts, even if a room is shown. The Do Not Optimize flag simply indicates that the section in question requires manual room scheduling and will be ignored by the optimizer.
Just below the section information panel is a tabbed interface that displays the section meeting(s). The Meetings tab is a meeting summary list that will include any meetings for the section, including any exams that have been created. The meeting times, days, dates, instructor, enrollment values, and location are all included here at a glance.
Click the View Meetings icon to view the meeting detail for any meeting on the list.
A new tab is created for each open meeting. Note that when a meeting detail is viewed, the section information panel is automatically collapsed to provide as much screen space as possible. It is re-expanded if you click on the Meetings tab.
Much more detail about a specific meeting is provided on the meeting detail tab including room scheduling status, cross-list information, room scheduling preferences, and a break-down of the individual meeting dates.
DEFINITION: A section meeting can be defined as any distinct combination of dates, times, days, meeting type, enrollment and room assignment for a given course section offering.
NOTE: The room assignment reflected on the meeting record is determined from the 1st non-canceled, non-exception (unlocked) instance. The application automatically considers an edited meeting date to be an exception to the parent meeting. The exception status "locks" the meeting date and/or room assignment so that additional modifications to the meeting do not overwrite the changes made to the individual date. This setting also protects the record from changes during section import (unless the meeting pattern changes in the SIS). Release 7.5.11 introduces the ability for users to manually add or remove the "exception" flag on meeting instances as desired.
The application maintains a room scheduling status for section meetings and meeting dates. The purpose of this field is to provide a way for schedulers to easily identify sections/meetings that still have requested or unassigned instances, and the overall state of room scheduling for the meeting dates.
The section meeting scheduling status is a roll-up status that reflects the state of the meeting's instances, and is determined as follows:
•Scheduled = All meeting dates are scheduled
•Unassigned = All meeting dates are unassigned
•Requested = All meeting dates are requested
•Incomplete = Any meeting date is requested or unassigned
(applies only to non-canceled instances)
NOTE: The section meeting status is based purely on the room scheduling status. This status does not indicate an editing stage and is not impacting by scheduled or requested resources. Sections with assigned or requested resources can be found on the section list page through filtering.